Jillian Michaels Posts Blistering Photo of Gavin Newsom During Wildfires, Has One Word for Him (in All Caps)

There’s a lot of unrest with regards to how those in power are handling the California wildfires. The terror of climate change causes thousands of people to evacuate their houses and watch everything they own turn to ash. Moreover, there’s negligence on a state level, particularly with the malnourished budget to the fire department. Emergencies like these escalate from difficult to work with to impossible to manage. A lot of the heat goes back to those in power like California governor Gavin Newsom. One big name in particular doesn’t hold back their malice towards him.Recently, podcaster and fitness expert Jillian Michaels posts her frustrations about the California wildfires on Twitter. There, she aims her sights on governor Gavin Newsom specifically and how he’s handling southern California in flames. Michaels posts a picture of the governor with sunglasses on and his hands in his back pockets. Meanwhile, flames rage on in the background as people lose their homes and livelihoods. Additionally, Jill captions her post with a direct, fiery demand: “RESIGN

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