I Put My Dad’s Widow Out of the House — It’s Not a Free Hotel

Receiving rules from anybody is unpleasant, but it’s extremely challenging when they come from your son’s spouse. Jenna’s daughter-in-law believed their connection was too intimate and demanded limits, even assigning her four harsh rules to observe. Jenna was furious and sought out to us for guidance on how to handle the issue.

This is Daphne’s letter:

Dad di:ed and left me his small house. I asked his wife to pay rent with the $10k he left her, or she could go live with her son.

She refused, saying, “How dare you? I lived here for 18 years!” So, I evicted her. A year passed, and I didn’t hear from her. Yesterday, she called, demanding to see me.

I went; my blood ran cold when I found out that the new, small apartment she was living in was bought by my dad.

She said he used the rest of his savings to buy it for her before he di:ed, so she’d have a safe place if she was ever kicked out. She signed a deal saying the flat would go to me after she passed if she stayed in the house she shared with my dad.



But if she was forced to leave, she could give it to anyone-and now, she’s leaving it to her son. After the sh0ck faded, I felt furious. All I did was protect my rights.

My stepmother had money, so she could have paid; the house is not a free hotel.

The worst part is that I’ve been lied to: I had no idea about this apartment, and I feel betrayed that the property my dad paid for is going to her son instead of me.

What should I do?

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