Story 4: 
Story 5:
I always knew I was a little different but had no one to talk to about my feelings growing up. After years of homelessness, couch surfing, and dating bad men, my mom finally decided I wasn’t just a lazy brat and began to help me.
I’ve now been diagnosed with autism and PTSD. I’m currently living in the largest metro area in the tri-state region and am beginning the process of getting real mental health care. It’s been a long journey, but my opportunity to get better has finally come.
Story 6:
My high school sweetheart and I got engaged, but he tragically di:e:d from a seizure. After a few years, I started dating again and fell in love. I told him about my past. On our wedding day, he passed out at the altar due to a seizure.
Best gifts for your loved ones
He later told me he had one in the past few months and had several over the last few years, but he hid them from me so he wouldn’t hurt me
Story 7:

Story 8:
I met the love of my life during my sophomore year of college. We graduated, moved in together, bought a house, and finally got married after eight years together.
Two months after the wedding, we decided to move across the country for a work opportunity. About a year and a half in, having the time of our lives, we decided to start a family. I got pregnant right away, and we were over the moon with happiness. Everything was going perfectly.
At five months pregnant, on a normal Tuesday, he was late coming home from work. He wasn’t answering his phone, texts, or emails. Finally, about three hours after he should have been home, someone answered his phone.
It was a police officer. Sudden cardiac arrest. Age 30. Widowed at five months pregnant.
© anna_makes_things / Reddit
Story 9:

Story 10:
I dated a girl for three years and thought she was the love of my life. She dumped me, and I was miserable. While I was wallowing in misery at a bar, I started chatting with a random guy who was also sitting there.
Three months later, that same guy offered me a job that paid about 15 times more.
© vadermustdie / Reddit
Best gifts for your loved ones
Story 11:
I dated a girl long-distance for several years (we flew to see each other from time to time). I went through a rough patch and made some bad choices, and we ended up breaking up.
Several years later, while she was traveling, she contacted me saying her flights got mixed up and she would be landing nearby. She asked if she could shower and change at my place.
One thing led to another, and we just got married a couple of weeks ago.