18 Stories That Prove Family Bonds Are Like No Other

As Robert De Niro famously said in Meet the Fockers, a family is like a “circle of trust.” It’s not only the shared DNA that links you to that group of people but it’s also the stories you’ve created along the way.

While there might be a bit of sibling rivalry or some cheeky comments from the youngest members of the family, we still love them because they’ve always been by our side.

We are bringing you some amusing and heart-warming stories of families bonding together even in the most unexpected ways.

Story 1

My dad marrying his third wife:

My stepbrother and I were in the wedding party. He was about 6, I was 10. The preacher asks if anyone objects and my brother raises his hand very politely.

My dad asks why, and my stepbrother replies, “Because I want you to promise to take me fishing whenever I want first.” © vogera/ Reddit

Story 2

My wife wanted to climb the tree in our front yard to hang Christmas lights, but my toddler cried and begged her not to so she wouldn’t get hurt. It was a warm, caring moment that showed how much she loves her mom.

Moments later, she suggested I climb the tree instead. © HenpeckedHal/ Twitter

Story 3

© UnfilteredMama/ Twitter

Story 4

My in-laws gave me body wash for Christmas.
I wouldn’t have thought anything of it, except that my mother-in-law attached a note that said, “I did NOT pick this out.”
So apparently my father-in-law thinks I stink. © XplodingUnicorn/ Twitter

Story 5

Found my missing cardigan when my sister posted a FB pic of her wearing it. © Molly_Kats/ Twitter

Story 6

Watching football with your 11 y.o. daughter is fun because when you get frustrated at your team, she asks calming questions, like, “Daddy, do you really think you can do better than the players?”© Dad_At_Law/ Twitter

Story 7

My wife’s uncle (who owned the farm where we were getting married) stood up at the objection part. Immediately, his son yelled at him to sit down. To his credit, he did for about 12 seconds and then stood up again. He objected because there was a big storm coming up the driveway, about to smack the ceremony. My wife made it inside before getting drenched.
Got married inside instead. © nutrap/ Reddit

Story 8

Story 9

Thoughts and prayers for my husband as our 5 y.o. looked him straight in the eye and told him, “Your jokes aren’t funny.” © mom_tho/ Twitter

Story 10

One time in high school, my brother took my car and CRASHED it, got it fixed, and put it back in the driveway all within my 6-hour school day. He kept it a secret for 4 years!!! I think that’s the most sibling thing ever. © jrtyszka/ Twitter

Story 11

As a kid, if I did something stupid, my dad would tell me not to be a “daft ha’penny.” In other words, be smarter than half a penny, which wasn’t worth very much then and is worth even less now. I find myself saying it to my own kids, and I know his dad said it to him. © zerbey/ Reddit

Story 12

MIL: “You have to teach them really young to pick up after themselves.”
Me: *watching my husband take off his socks and leave them in the middle of the living room.* © mom_ontherocks/ Twitter

Story 13

Before I became a parent, I never thought I would break up a fight at a living room guinea pig fashion show, yet here we are. © XplodingUnicorn/ Twitter

Story 14

Story 15

My little sister just caught me crying and she said, “Do you do this a lot at college? There are people you can talk to about that,” and then kinda smiled and said, “But not me, I’m tired. Goodnight.”

Story 16

Pretty humbling when your 5 y.o. is pretending to be Santa Claus and you overhear him tell his stuffed reindeer, “I might be fat, but I am not as fat as my dad.” © Cheeseboy22/ Twitter

Story 17

© sabaatahir/ Twitter

Story 18

Overheard in my house:
“I’ll give you $13 to stop being my sibling.” © LindaInDisguise/ Twitter


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