After a rude diner complained about a special needs employee at a pizza shop, the owner decided to address the issue by hanging the perfect sign on the restaurant’s front door.
The message said it all.
Amanda Cartagine, the owner of Pizza Inn on Woodruff Road in Greenville, South Carolina, goes above and beyond to help those with disabilities in her community by giving them jobs at her pizza shop.
In fact, Amanda said that, at one point, 63% of her kitchen staff at the Pizza Inn had special needs, and it’s a hiring practice she’s proud of doing.
Amanda strives to make her staff feel like part of the team, regardless of their limitations, and she said her employees always come to work with smiles on their faces. Even though many of her staff members have special needs, Amanda knows they can still do certain jobs if given the chance, but it takes patience and time to let them learn — something she’s been more than happy to provide.